Driving along
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Driving along
Always remain aware of the traffic around you: look ahead, behind, and to the sides regularly.
Check your mirrors at least every five seconds and turn your head to check blind spots.
Avoid driving in other vehicles’ blind spots and keep others out of your own by adjusting speed or position.
Take extra care at dawn and dusk when it’s harder to see and judge distances.
Steer smoothly
Keep both hands on the wheel as often as possible (hand positions at 9 and 3 o’clock).
Avoid sudden steering movements; any steering changes should be precise and deliberate.
Maintain a straight path even while checking mirrors, changing gears, or adjusting controls.
Use of turn signals and brake lights
Use signals to alert other drivers of your intentions—turning, changing lanes, slowing down, or stopping.
Signal well in advance to give vehicles behind you time to react, but only move if it is safe.
If your lights are not working, use hand and arm signals:
• Left turn: arm straight out the driver’s window.
• Right turn: arm out and up.
• Slowing or stopping: arm out and down.
Keep right
Stay in the right lane on multi-lane roads unless you are passing or preparing to turn left.
This practice is especially important if you drive at a slower speed than surrounding traffic.
Obey speed limits
Follow posted speed limits, but adjust your speed so you can always stop safely.
Drive below the posted limit in bad weather, construction zones, or heavy traffic.
Unposted speed limits: 50 km/h in cities/towns/villages; 80 km/h elsewhere.
Cruise control helps maintain a steady speed, but do not use it in heavy traffic or poor weather.
Speed-measuring warning devices are illegal; using one may result in fines or other penalties.
Obey police
If directed by a police officer, follow their instructions even if they conflict with signs or signals.
When signaled to pull over, move safely to the right and stop, remaining in your vehicle.
You must immediately provide your driver’s licence, vehicle permit, and insurance when asked.
Maintaining space
Match the speed of traffic around you without exceeding the speed limit.
Leave a cushion of space to avoid collisions and to improve visibility.
Use the ‘two-second rule’ to maintain a safe following distance in good weather. Pick a marker, wait for the vehicle ahead to pass it, then count two seconds. If you reach the marker before ‘one thousand and two,’ you are following too closely.
Increase following distance in poor weather, when behind large trucks, or when carrying heavy loads.
Know how to steer smoothly and use your vehicle’s turn signals or hand signals correctly.
Keep adequate space between you and other drivers to avoid collisions.
Stay in the correct lane and follow speed limits, adjusting for conditions as needed.
Obey all police directions and have your documentation ready upon request.