Pedestrian signals

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Pedestrian Signals

A white walking symbol means pedestrians are allowed to begin crossing.
A flashing or steady orange (or red) hand symbol means do NOT begin to cross.
If a pedestrian is already in the crosswalk and the hand symbol appears, they should continue crossing quickly to reach a safe area.
Pedestrians crossing with the walk signal (or green light, if no separate pedestrian signal is present) have the right-of-way over all vehicles.
Pedestrians must not cross on a flashing green light or left-turn green arrow.

Intersection Pedestrian Signals

Many intersections have pedestrian push-buttons that activate a dedicated walk signal, providing extra time to cross.
These signals stop traffic on the main road, allowing pedestrians to cross safely.
Stop signs may control traffic on smaller, less busy crossroads at these intersections.
Drivers and pedestrians must observe all traffic rules and signals when using or approaching these intersections.

Key Takeaways

Understand what the white walking symbol and flashing/steady hand symbols mean.
Know what to do at an intersection if there is a pedestrian push-button or pedestrian signal.
Always give pedestrians the right-of-way when they are crossing legally.
Pedestrians should use caution and cross quickly if the signal changes while they are in the crosswalk.
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